Inclusive business in Tunisia with a focus on edible fast-moving consumer goods (FRENCH version)

Claudia Knobloch, Isabel von Blomberg

Note: this is the French version of the publication

The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is one of the largest industries in the world. It is defined as an industry producing and selling low-cost products that are in constant high demand, such as food, beverages and personal care and household cleaning items. The sector plays an important role in the Tunisian economy: despite the limited purchasing power of Tunisia’s six million low-income customers, the FMCG market segment is considerable, with Tunisians spending on average 36% of their income on food alone.

This report assesses how businesses active in the FMCG sector – more specifically, in the agri-food industry – include low-income groups in their company’s value chains. FMCG products are generally widely available in Tunisia and people with a low income can mostly afford to buy them.  Currently the research and data available on low-income groups is  very limited. However, there are examples of FMCG companies working to integrate this target group into their core business.