The opportunity: a regenerative and inclusive energy system

The energy system of the future is decentralized, decarbonized and digital. Integrated grid systems will enable more stable and cost-efficient electricity access for low-income customers. Prosumer models will allow customers to produce own energy out of renewable sources and even earn a surplus. And smart technology and innovative business models will open up new financing opportunities and revenue models for social businesses and people.
Our contribution
We facilitate inclusive system innovations that serve energy producers, entrepreneurs and customers in low-income communities. Reach out to us if you would like to:
innovative business models that enable stable, cost-effective and clean energy access.
multi-stakeholder partnerships to make the energy system more inclusive and regenerative.
your interventions though a generative approach with partners and customers to generate better collaboration, shared insights and update your approach.
We have implemented projects to develop a regenerative and inclusive energy system with public sector partners, large companies and social enterprises. Some examples:

Discovering opportunities to make off-grid solutions financially viable in Tanzania
Can we design off-grid energy model that are financially viable, even without subsidies? Together with the solar-hybrid mini-grid operator JUMEME, Endeva identified cross-selling business opportunities that allow JUMEME to increase profitability and support more people in rural communities. The company is currently scaling its model with 12 mini-grids in operation in Tanzania in 2020.

Designing an ecosystem platform to promote the solar energy sector in Senegal
Between 2016 and 2018 Endeva supported UNDP to design, set-up and implement the Initiative Ecosystème des Entreprises Inclusives de l’Energie Solaire, a multi-stakeholder platform tasked to create a supportive ecosystem in the solar energy sector. The platform has created new feed-in tariffs, improved quality standards for off-grid solar products and provided catalytic funding to train youth entrepreneurs.

Co-creating and piloting grid-integration in Bangladesh
Grid and off-grid solutions are still largely treated as an either-or, disregarding the tremendous potential of integration. In 2019, we co-created a grid-integration model with our social enterprise partner SOLshare, the technology partner Grid Singularity and others as part of Endeva’s ii2030 initiative. The model is currently being piloted as a regulatory sandbox in Bangladesh.

What our partners say:
“Endeva is a strong and inspiring partner in the energy transition. Endeva’s innovative and effective processes enabled us to co-create a revolutionary new approach to bring affordable solar electricity to everyone in Bangladesh and beyond.”
Sebastian Groh, SOLshare

Interested to innovate with us?
Christian Pirzer