Endeva facilitates system innovations that serve people and planet.
We want to co-create a world where everyone thrives – a world with systems that are inclusive and regenerative. We innovate systems consciously and collectively to get to the future we want. Through collaboration, we can make it happen.
As a mission-led organization, we are independent and impact-focused. We see our clients as partners in our mission and often work with them over the long term to achieve tangible impact. This allows us to act as a trusted facilitator of co-creation even among parties who would not usually meet or collaborate.
What future do you want to create?
Humanity is at the crossroads. We cannot continue on our current development path of exploiting nature and increasing inequalities. Instead, we need to fundamentally redesign our economic systems so that they serve all people and replenish the earth’s resources.
What role will you play in future systems?
Companies and other organizations that lead this great transformation stand to win over the long term. Don’t wait to be disrupted or regulated away. You can proactively shape inclusive and regenerative economic systems and identify your future business model.
How do you get there?
This kind of innovation requires collaboration with diverse actors. You cannot change the broader system on your own. Complementary players including established companies, startups, social enterprises and development actors must come together with their unique capacities to co-create these solutions.
How can we help?
We discover, design and co-create inclusive systems innovations with partners from all sectors.
Endeva GmbH is our company providing services in the domain of system innovations to partners from all sectors.
Endeva e.V. is our non-profit association. We conduct grant-based projects, in particular using our ii2030 system innovation methodology.
We build on 4 key assets created over 15 years of work:

Market understanding
Our deep understanding of emerging markets and business solutions in low-income contexts

Expert network
Our global network of 300+ experts with extensive sector and country expertise and a shared passion for creating inclusive innovations

Diverse partners
Our wide network of partners from all sectors (including large companies, social enterprises, startups, NGOs, public donors and foundations), growing out of trusted collaborations on more than 200 projects

Effective methodologies
Our innovative methodologies to drive systems innovation, bringing together insights and tools from human centered design, design thinking, Theory U, systems practice, systemic consulting, and neuroscience
Certified BCorp
Endeva is a certified B Corporation. B Corps are a new type of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. They aim for an enriching impact for all stakeholders, and are externally verified as achieving high standards of social and environmental performance. We certified in 2015, as one of the Founding Members of B Corp Europe. In 2016, we were ranked among the 10% “Best for the World” B Corps.
Today, there are over 2,500 Certified B Corps in 50 countries around the globe. We are proudly partof this movement of transforming business to serve people and planet.