Inclusive business partnerships (IB partnerships) between NGOs and companies have a very specific form: They start from a concrete opportunity to improve the lives of low-income and marginalised people, and then address this opportunity with a financially viable business model that helps ensure sustainable impact.
Many NGOs and companies are interested in engaging in such partnerships, but often struggle with the “how”. Our main motivation in writing this guide has been our hope of unlocking IB partnerships’ immense potential for helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) more effectively. To this end, our guide aims to give NGOs and companies guidance in conducting more productive IB partnerships as equal partners. We hope these pages will create a better understanding for what IB partnerships actually are, provide inspiration in the form of real partnership examples, and offer a way forward by documenting the lessons learned by practitioners in the field.
For NGOs interested in our services, read more here: Endeva’s Service Offer to NGOs