Everyone talks about green hydrogen in Namibia and its transformational power for the local economy and the energy sector. But: who will plan, build and operate the green hydrogen plants? There are not enough skilled workers, graduates and engineers in Namibia with sufficient knowledge in the sector. This is an issue, particularly for startups and Namibian innovators who cannot afford to hire international experts.
To address this problem, Endeva will organise a co-creation workshop in Windhoek, Namibia, on June 6, 2023. This event will bring together a closely curated group of participants which develops support interventions to improve the capacity building of graduates and skilled workers.
Committed partners will anchor the workshop’s outcome to bolster the green hydrogen ecosystem for startups and innovators.
The Namibia Green Hydrogen Research Institute will host the workshop at the University of Namibia, and it will be co-organised with GIZ Namibia.
Our focus on equipping graduates and skilled workers to support the Namibian GH2 sector results from our research throughout the ii2030 process. Through a series of interviews, two multi-stakeholder expert consultation sessions, and a pan-African peer exchange, we identified the most prominent dynamics in the system and the most promising opportunities for change. The energy among stakeholders coalesced around the topic of developing local skills in the sector. The results can be found here.
The ii2030 Green Hydrogen in Africa Edition is a one-year process that began in December 2022. The project is powered by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is realised in close collaboration with the MAKE-IT programme run by the German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ).
We have a few tickets left: If you like to shape the topic and are interested in attending the workshop, apply by May 30, 2023, at Samantha Beekman, s.beekman@endeva.org.
The documentation for the ii2030 Green Hydrogen in Africa Edition April 2023 can be found here.